sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

Sunder meditação Ativa repassa: Fwd: InJoy Insults

É impressionante notar como é desastroso voce se auto condenar.

E nada como um fracasso em love affair para provocar isso, ou certas tempestades que acontecem em uma relação a dois.

dentre outras coisas Osho tem a meditação dinâmica, o Gibberish e falar na frente da parede no fim do dia, por esse motivo, descarregar.

Acontece que tem uma certa aum meditation que o swami anand VEERESH - também anand, um cuca fundida... - criou a pedido do osho que voce tem uma parte da meditação que voce vai se colocando na frente de outras pessoas do grupo e xinga o cara de tudo quanto é nome...

Quantas vezes isso não aconteceu entre voce eo namorado ou amante, quantas vezes não aconteceu com sua esposa?

E voces levam a sério, e não deveriam.

É algo que está lá dentro, esperando para explodir a cada instante.

No caso da dinâmica e gibberish, já sei que funciona bem mesmo, e falar.

Mas escutei Osho dizer que um dia a gente tem de parar com muita catarsis... eu mesmo ainda tive de fazê-las, e muito.

Arrumei uns porretes... pra usar em almofadas.

Agora, a do veeresh fiz uma vez. Veerseh, desculpe.

E logo fiquei sem a namorada, mas nem todo mundo que faz as meditações fica sem o amante ou esposa, namorado, ou amiga ocasional.

Vamo ver como fica...


Oremus pelo HAITI.

Ontem gravei na youtube una canção oração pelo HAITI.




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arhata Osho <arhatafreespeech@yahoo.com>

Date: 2010/1/16
Subject: InJoy Insults
To: arhatafreespeech@yahoo.com

InJoy Insults
Is he waving at me?? by Dee Johnson

January 11, 2010
Most ‘condemnation’ comes from within!  People are rarely not ‘hooked into’ the opinions and ideologies or, ancient dogma, of others. Like writing on ancient scrolls, they have been replaced by computers with infinite, instant access to desired knowledge and, even common sense or, many forms of intelligence like ‘intuition’. Insults from others are either misinterpretations or, judgments that are either usually ones the ‘insulter’ forgets soon or, reflects his own ‘self condemnation!

Insulating oneself from what are perceived as insults, is to condemn the self’s ability to absorb ‘storms of the mind’ that pass with the winds of another moment on it’s way. To isolate oneself from criticism is to paralyze one from both ‘knowing oneself’ as well as, to lower ones impression in others eyes, who are compassionate enough to ‘walk on thin ice’ around you.

To cling to the ‘old’ ways and ideologies from ancient times is to know only the stifling of inner growth of the self. Why be part of a significant portion of society that keeps the planet in the dark, fearful, violent times where the amelioration of religions have not been successful in raising the planets consciousness but a fraction of what is now ‘mandatory’ to the growing gap between technology (some of which can destroy life) and, the retarded evolution of the human condition.

There are better alternatives available to break from the old into a new consciousness that has no need to follow worn out habits and ideologies. The ‘new Adam and Eve’ are the youth of the world who collectively create a new and positive consciousness over the planet.  If the elders want to suffer in their apathy and self condemning, let them die!

The elders are in the best position in leading to a better world but, most of them settle in to giving up and assuming a life of retiring into ‘old ways’ of unconcern.  There is no group who should have more wisdom and, TIME to make a difference than elder citizens of the world.  The young are too busy learning, fighting wars, working, raising families, paying off education loans coupled with investments, chasing pipe dreams and so forth, to be of the value to make anywhere near the difference that those in their ‘glory years’ of their lives are better equipped to make.  Age should create an ability to love deeper and, let all setbacks and condemnations roll like ‘water off a ducks back’! The ’old’ must suffer condemnation for not doing their part in making it a better world or, with compassion, rise to the occasion!   


"Não estamos buscando nenhum paraíso nas nuvens. Se ele estiver lá, nós o apanharemos, mas primeiro precisamos construir um paraíso aqui na terra; essa será nossa preparação. Se pudermos viver num paraíso na terra, então, esteja ele onde estiver, será nosso."  Osho

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