terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

Fwd: Who Is Responsible For Your Unhappiness - OSHO International Newsletter January 2010

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Date: 2010/1/12
Subject: Who Is Responsible For Your Unhappiness - OSHO International Newsletter January 2010
To: anandvendas@gmail.com

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January 2010
 "Get deeper and deeper into yes. Say yes to each and every thing. Say yes to good and bad, to day and night, to summer and winter. Say yes to success and to failure. Say yes to life and to death. Forget everything else; just remember one word, yes, and it can transform your whole being. It can become a radical change, a revolution. "     Osho
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Flight Needs Two WingsOSHO Newsletter

Flight Needs Two Wings

Professional people like me make too much use of our intelligence, so much so that we tend to view life through the intellect only, thus negating all other means of doing so. This tends to make life boring and dull, and robs it of its luster.
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"Our brain has two hemispheres; the left half is rational, analytical, ‘intelligent' and logical. The right half is holistic, creative, empathic, loving and feeling. Our brain provides two wings for us to fly in the sky of our life, yet we are conditioned to choose only one. No wonder we are off balance, individually and collectively. "If we feel life, live it, not merely think about it; then, all our juices start flowing, dormant seeds open, and love blooms. This miracle is in our hands....”
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Only Healthy Physicians Can Heal 

Only Healthy Physicians Can Heal

"Physician, heal yourself: thus you will heal your patient too. Let his best healing-aid be to see with his own eyes him who makes himself well." (Zarathustra)
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“This is great advice to those who want human consciousness to reach to its highest possible peaks. The first thing is: ‘Physician heal thyself.' You should be completely free of all superstitions: seeing you, seeing your awareness, seeing your love, seeing your compassion, seeing your blissfulness will be the proof that others are wrong and they have to change....”
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You are responsible 

You Are Responsible

People often make me feel stupid, how can I change this?
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"The ordinary mind always throws the responsibility on somebody else. It is always the other who is making you suffer. Your wife is making you suffer, your husband is making you suffer, your parents are making you suffer...or fate, karma, God...you name it...!"
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Right from my childhood I wondered how people found truth. So I went to Germany to study comparative religion at university. But I discovered that it is all a mind game.

Then I decided to do something practical, so I went to cooking school. But there I found that everybody was very repressed, taking drugs or alcohol. It was a very bad atmosphere.
In between I was also reading Osho. I started doing meditation and I felt great. Unknowingly, things started becoming simpler in my life. Then, while browsing www.osho.com I read about the residential program at the meditation resort. I was so turned on that I quit the cooking and decided to come to Pune for three months in January 2007.

I fell in love with the place. Every day is a learning here. I am amazed that I keep on coming, and stay longer and longer. I don't think about what I am going to do later, because what is happening now is important.

Here there is no escape from reality. On the contrary, you have to deal with everything the world throws at you. I found the training, Inner Skills for Work and Life, helped me to be relaxed and aware at the same time – which means dealing with five people asking about five different things, two emails pending and the phone ringing, and learning to relax in the middle of it all – and be playful! The basis of everything is awareness not control, so while you have space to experiment how you do things, you also experiencing power trips, anger, aggression in yourself and others. But people don't carry them against you. It is not about the other, it is about yourself.

I think the evening meeting is the key to the meditation resort. In that meditation everything is washed out. That's the time you come in touch with yourself, and with the essence of this environment. You realize that whatever happens during the day is not something serious. It is sincere but not serious. Watching yourself playing the game of life is the buzz of the place.
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Learn self-healing, through awareness and deep relaxation techniques on January 12 - 25 in Transomatic Illumination Gestalt: Foundation Course. Or face yourself, moment to moment, while discovering or deepening your painting skills in Self Portrait: Mirroring of Your Being on January 15 - 17. Or take a four-day holiday, from January 16 - 19, into meditation – for beginners and “advanced” meditators alike with AcuEnergetics® – Neshamah: Opening to the Light. Explore the many layers of your being: to find your center and open new depths of witnessing and meditation by going Back to the Source - Explore Your Hara on January 19 - 23. Bliss Beyond Fear: The Courage to Live in Love uses the therapeutic methods of the Humaniversity in order for you to be supported to let go of emotional baggage and create the space for the love that you have been longing for on January 20 - 22. And all you need to be ecstatic is inside of you if you are ready to discover it by participating in FIVE Days of Transformation on January 22 - 26. The Path of Love, happening on January 25 - 31, is an intensive, highly structured process in which participants are supported to passionately focus on their sincere desire or longing to realize their full human and spiritual potential. On January 26 - 28 with Breakthrough Breath and Dance you will process, express, and transform what comes up for you in the breath work by accessing and celebrating your authentic self through dance. And say Goodbye to the Inner Judge on February 6 - 9 by rediscovering your innocence, spontaneity, and passion for living by learning to disengage from your inner judge.
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And Now and Here
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Beyond the Duality of Life and Death

Publisher: OSHO Media International

ISBN: 978-81-7261-212-2
Hardbound,654 pages

Most of us look for security in our relationships, in our choice of living and working conditions, and in our finances. Underlying this search for security is a deep, instinctive fear of death, which continually colors our lives and drives our focus outward, toward survival. But we also have a longing to turn inward, to relax deeply within ourselves, and experience the sense of freedom and expansion this brings.


Gold Nuggets
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OSHO NewsletterGold Nuggets

Publisher: OSHO Media International
Price:US $12.95

Paperback:160 Pages

Existence is a constant reminder – one just needs to be sensitive and alert to pick up the messages. Gold Nuggets Messages from Existence is an exquisite collection of 80 nuggets of true and often provocative wisdom on life, love and the world around us.
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The Mustard Seed and The God Conspiracy being released

The Mustard Seed

The God Conspiracy

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What we picked for you this month....
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I Celebrate Myself: God Is No Where, Life Is Now Here

I Celebrate Myself: God Is No Where, Life Is Now Here
In this powerful series of talks, Osho takes on all our assumptions and misconceptions that we live in a divided universe; creator and created, believer and belief, theist and atheist.

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Titles include:
The Grand Rebellion
Ringing Bells in Your Heart
The Paradise of Yourself

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No-Mind: The Flowers of Eternity
No-Mind: The Flowers of Eternity
Using anecdotes about Zen masters and their disciples, as well as a magnificent selection of haikus, Osho reveals the mystery of Zen as something to be savored rather than solved.


Titles include:
To Create a Few More Rainbows
An Assembly of Two Buddhas
A Meeting of Two Rivers

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Yes To the River
Yes To the River
Let yourself be carried on the waves of this harmonious waterway – with sometimes a gentle rise and fall and sometimes a forceful surge – as you experience the enchantment of these moving compositions.

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Titles include:
Chopping Wood
Doorway to the Heart
Festival of Lights

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Voice of Silence
Voice of Silence
Osho provides a step-by-step approach on how to find our inner voice.

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Includes chapters on:
Desire for Life
A Sense of Separateness

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Yoga: The Science of Living
Yoga: The Science of Living
Osho shows how three methods – concentration, uninterrupted flow of consciousness and oneness – bring about an inner balance when subject and object disappear.


Includes chapters on:
Ask a Question Close to Home
The Mind Is Very Clever
The Inside of the Inside

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Monthly Meditation

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Relieving Facial Tension
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Relieving Facial Tension
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Every night before you go to sleep, sit in your bed and start making faces – just as small children enjoy doing, make all kinds of faces – good, bad, ugly, beautiful, so the whole face and the musculature start moving. Make sounds, nonsense sounds will do, and sway, just for ten to fifteen minutes and then go to sleep.

In the morning, before you take your bath, again stand before the mirror and for ten minutes make faces. Standing before the mirror will help: you will be able to see and you will be able to respond.
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Natural Health Seminars
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No-Thought for the Day Listen Now

Meditative Therapies

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OSHO Talking to your Body Mind
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 » Sensitivity Can Be Shared
 » The Compulsion to Reach     Power and Prestige
 » I Wonder if This Could Be     Love?
 » The Rule of a Barbarous     Society
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OSHO International Newsletter, January 2010
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OSHO International Meditation Resort | 17, Koregaon Park | Pune | India

"Não estamos buscando nenhum paraíso nas nuvens. Se ele estiver lá, nós o apanharemos, mas primeiro precisamos construir um paraíso aqui na terra; essa será nossa preparação. Se pudermos viver num paraíso na terra, então, esteja ele onde estiver, será nosso."  Osho

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