quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2007

I Am No Kidding...

To be in Brazil would really be an amazing endeavour, an enterprise in itself.
But nowadays, to be here is such a surprising thing.
There is too much violence.
There are so many plants and flowers.
There is so much robbery, and beautifully, birds are crossing the sky...
Many species are disappearing and man kills them.
But the video from AL GORE is commented, even officially.
A lot of murders and murders and murders and nearly oficial corruption, but also, there is the fool on the hill, which sees the sun going down, as says Paul McCartney.
There is a tremendous space, the amazonian place. Many many trees are being nourished by the earth.
But thousands (maybe millions?...) of hectares of trees and plants are being devastated...! Is my English correct?
The collective unconscious is heavy and everybody is doing his own thing.
Nothing is needed more than this!
Anand TAZA - with head and brains, heart and being.

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