terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

Mas essa ein??? Hahaha! Fwd: Fw: just this one please


I came back from the hospital, Dad is reacting fine, I was surprisedm trying to talk, and many sounds, acompaning me when I sing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH



He then took his had out of mine, I resopected and conitnued to send REIKI through my hands, and also singing and with the TIPS, I say TIPs, of the fingers of rioght hand over his head, over his BRAIN (damage)

and he then took the hand and took it until the throat, can you believ thatm, to indicate, the MASK for vapour was hurting - the plastic hurting - his throat.


Oh boy, oh lord...


anandtaza, and waldemiro lemke

----- Original Message ----- From: "Valentina" <vujosev@gmail.com>
To: "Valentina Vujosevic" <vujosev@rogers.com>

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 6:18 PM


Sent from my iPhone

"Não estamos buscando nenhum paraíso nas nuvens. Se ele estiver lá, nós o apanharemos, mas primeiro precisamos construir um paraíso aqui na terra; essa será nossa preparação. Se pudermos viver num paraíso na terra, então, esteja ele onde estiver, será nosso."  Osho

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