Tive uma forte intoxicação com um ovo deteriorado levemente. Levemente deteriorado, mas eu passei MUITO mal, quase com a sensação de morte iminente.
neste video, da forte MSN TV voce vê como um país DECENTE lida com ecologia, ecossistema, limpeza e ameaça de contaminação (ou REAL contaminação).
Fascismo é uma coisa, autoritarismo é uma coisa, exercer autoridade quando necessário, é outra muito necessária.
Two muderers killed two french students, and the british murderers were sentenced to perpetual prison, on thursday.
I feel really worried on noticing that I myself can't have a good overview of myself on the issue.
I remember Osho when he states that criminals are also victims of the system, and they would need medical treatment.
Myself, I wlonder what to do with such guys.
The first thing I observe is the desire of myself to ask to the government to give me a GUN, and i will kill them both.
There are many places and countries whenre this is a PROFESSION, to kill for the government.
But Osho states that this would simply be a revengeful act. Not a real healing or treatment of the situation.
The issue is on the same link on msn tv, but i would not open the link if I were you. Horrible.
I wonder what to do with these guys. The killers I mean.
Are they going to be in prison as BRAZILIANS DO???????????????
In BRAZIL, justice feels to be as such:
in 2 years an attorney takes them out of prison, and rarely they won't happen to kill again, search for drugs, etc.
But I remember of something - but it is revengeful also.
As far as osho states that these people have tons of excessive masculine hormones in their bodies, so they become killers,
let us inject 2 liters, or, sorry..., a good ammount of feminine hormones so they lose all their body hairs and get feminine, speak like sissies,
and start to look at other men calling them "Hallo, dear!"
Give them a good injection of feminine hormones so perhaps the genitals become feminine, and the voice very female like.
Maybe this ios far better than what i heard the other day on the bar near the optician:
when they discovered a football player killed the girlfriend barbarously, the man sat ion the bar, he said we should CUT THEIR ARMS AWAY, and the prick.
Then cut them on pieces, another two murderers... cut their togues away.
No! We will ask OAB to change the brazilian system of laws.
here, it seems any attorney at law solves EVERYTHING.
My ex attorney at law in germany, she told me that in law and through the law, EVERYTHING is possible.
I mean that with LOVE, everything should be possible, love is not the ultimate peak, but the being.
First you have to go through the heart.
Don't open the link.
Then you go through the being.
Go to have a rest... and a coke!
"Não estamos buscando nenhum paraíso nas nuvens. Se ele estiver lá, nós o apanharemos, mas primeiro precisamos construir um paraíso aqui na terra; essa será nossa preparação. Se pudermos viver num paraíso na terra, então, esteja ele onde estiver, será nosso." Osho
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