sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

OSHO: To be motherly, and other texts

"To be motherly is a totally different phenomenon. It is something absolutely human; it transcends animality. It has nothing to do with biology. It is love, pure love, unconditional love. When a mother loves unconditionally - and only a mother can love uncon...ditionally - the child learns the joy of unconditional love. The child becomes capable of loving unconditionally. And to be able to love unconditionally is to be religious. And it is the easiest thing for a woman to do. It is easy for her because naturally she is ready for it. You can be motherly without giving birth to a child. You can be motherly to anybody. You can be motherly to an animal, to a tree. You can be motherly to anything. It is something inside you. Being motherly means being capable of unconditional love, loving the person for the sheer joy of loving, helping the person to grow for the sheer joy of seeing somebody grow. A real therapist is a mother. If he is not, he is not a real therapist. Just giving birth to a child is not to be a mother, remember. Otherwise there are millions of mothers on the earth -- and there seems to be no sweetness. ' Millions of husbands are henpecked for the simple reason that their mothers were too strong. ' " The wife is only a new edition of the mother. "


"Uma só palavra que nos dá paz é melhor do que mil palavras inúteis." Dhamapada 8,1

"Amar a liberdade, tentar ser livre, significa basicamente que você chegou a uma profunda compreensão de si mesmo," Osho

"Não estamos buscando nenhum paraíso nas nuvens. Se ele estiver lá, nós o apanharemos, mas primeiro precisamos construir um paraíso aqui na terra; essa será nossa preparação. Se pudermos viver num paraíso na terra, então, esteja ele onde estiver, será nosso."  Osho

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