domingo, 18 de julho de 2010


click in the link  -  in blue  -  I FEEL YOUR PRESENCE   below.

TAZA Anand Taza ( has posted a new playlist.

People, lovely my beloved friends.
I had to lose all data of my bigger computer...
It's gone.
But in MANY MANY groups, google groups, yahoogroups, videos in ORKUT (TAZA) and some still remained NING groups and sites (places), many songs are there.
I do have several and several videos in youtube (TAZA55),
I do still have many songs which are in , and in .
And better than ever, we have several and several songs in (available in DEMO on facebook -
I am using my best-and-older computer for being here on NET and
I offer you now one of my favourite songs which I have recorded to sing altogether with my dear fellow friend MADHUMITA. I love her.
One day we will record finally this song together.
And she is a certainly delicious composer and singer.
I dedicate this song to you and to her and to many wonderful people, and to Osho, a wonderful man, and his Vision, UNSURPASSABLE.
Please listen to this song with great joy. I offer it to you.
With sincere love,
sw anand TAZA - sergio lemke

MusicI FEEL YOUR PRESENCEDec 22, '09 10:44 PM
for everyone
I just recorded this song today in my studio in São Paulo City, brazil.
Dedicated to John Lennon, Madhumita and OSHO, my master.

The Title Album The Author 

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"Não estamos buscando nenhum paraíso nas nuvens. Se ele estiver lá, nós o apanharemos, mas primeiro precisamos construir um paraíso aqui na terra; essa será nossa preparação. Se pudermos viver num paraíso na terra, então, esteja ele onde estiver, será nosso."  Osho

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