sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010

REPASSANDO DE PUNA Fwd: Letter from Pune - situação critissíssima

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ashu dechen <ashudechen@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/2/20

Subject: Letter from Pune

in english bellow


recebi da chameli que recebeu de puna.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Isyde Chameli Cerqueira <isydechameli@hotmail.com>

Date: 2010/2/20
Subject: Letter from Pune

Kiss for you:11670


From: samashti
To: isydechameli

Soube que o atentado em Bombaim tem a ver com este. Inclusive Jayesh estava naquele hotel que levou bomba ano passado. Agora recebi esta mensagem da Deveeka. A coisa está brava. Um dos terrorista passou 2 dias pelo Resort. Quem lhe deu o passe de entrada? Foi falsificado ou temos terroristas saniássins muçulmanos no Resort? love



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:57 AM

Subject: Fw: Letter from Pune


Beloved Friends

This letter was just forwarded to me by a friend about the horrible bombing

of the German Bakery last nite..

Love As Always


> I m ok. I was in rickshaw on my way to bakery to see a friend and heard

> unbearable loud noise.. suddenly loads of bodies into pieces outside

> bakery. I m in shock. Straight i went to hospital and the sight i saw...



> i ll never forget rest of my life..


> bodies after bodies dead or alive coming in pieces... whole koregaon

> park is sealed and both south/north rd are blocked... Its an

> international issue now. Dhyanesh and all people from ashram are

> shocked. All the shops around bakery are finished including videotron,

> , tibetan lady shop, there s nothing there ....


> I went to give blood , loads of water n bandages, to the people re

> injured. My brother on his bike taking people to hospital and also on

> his shoulders...

> so far 15 dead(including foreigners) and 57 badly injured.On tv they

> dont say the truth but its worst than that. Sad part is bodies are soo

> black due to the chemical they used in bomb that its damn hard to

> recognise anyone... My beloved lovely italian friend nadia is dead

> with whom i had breakfast same morning in bakery, Shankar money

> changer is no more, One nepali waiter is dead, no news of tibetan lady

> yet. I hope she is ok.


> I wish i had something pleasent to tell you.. but right now situation

> is bad specially it happened at home.. Koregaon park, German bakery is

> home for all of us since years...


> Will write u more later Not to worry..


> Big hug and take care,

> N.

> Thanks and pray that all rest in peace..


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Kechara Guest House

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No Bosque das Dakinis
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22- 2623-8129 & 22- 9101-5999

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