sábado, 24 de outubro de 2009

OSHO: If only one man becomes Enlightened... Mesmo que só um se torne iluminado...


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Date: 2009/10/24

Subject: [OSHO_Science] Digest Number 939
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Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)




Posted by: "Subhuti" subhuti@comcast.net   subhutiii

Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:15 am (PDT)

----- Original Message -----
From: subhutiii
To: RiverIIOsho@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 3:36 AM

AND THESE PEOPLE HELPED THOUSANDS. Thousands were grateful to them. Thousands became full of light and love because of them. Yet they will not like to bother anybody. If they are useful, they would like to live and help; if they are not useful, then it is time to leave and go....

IT IS A MIRACLE that has happened in the East, the West is still unable to understand it. FOR CENTURIES IN THE EAST, IF SOMEBODY WAS MEDITATING, THE SOCIETY WILL FEED HIM. It was enough that he was meditating. Nobody would think that he is a burden on the society -- 'Why we should work for him?' Just because he was meditating was enough.

Because the East came to know that IF EVEN ONE MAN BECOMES ENLIGHTENED, HIS ENERGY IS SHARED BY ALL. If even one man comes to flower in meditation, his fragrance becomes part of the whole society. And the gain is so tremendous that the East has never said that, 'Don't sit there and meditate. Who is going to feed you? Who is going to clothe you? And who is going to give you shelter?' Thousands and thousands -- just Buddha has ten thousand monks -- sannyasins -- moving with him. But people were happy to feed them, to shelter them, to clothe them, to look after them -- because they were meditating!

NOW IT IS VERY, VERY IMPOSSIBLE IN THE WEST TO THINK THAT WAY. Even in the East, it is becoming difficult. In China now, monasteries are being closed, meditation halls are being converted into hospitals or school rooms. Great masters are disappearing. They are forced to work in the fields or at the factories. Nobody is allowed to meditate, because a great understanding is lost. The whole mind is full of materialism -- as if matter is all that exists.

A MAN IN A TOWN, IF HE BECOMES ENLIGHTENED, THE WHOLE TOWN IS BENEFITTED! It is not a wastage to support him. For nothing, you are going to get such tremendous treasure. People were happy to help.

Dang Dang Doko Dang

Ch #5: Two ladies and a monk
am in Buddha Hall



Posted by: "Subhuti" subhuti@comcast.net   subhutiii

Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:15 am (PDT)

----- Original Message -----
From: subhutiii
To: RiverIIOsho@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 12:30 PM

Beloved Osho,
At the start of the camp, you said you were moving into a new phase of your work. We've felt it in meditation and we felt it in the organization changing, but most importantly, you have changed in the way you speak to us. At one time, you never admitted to being enlightened and you never admitted to being a Master, and now you do. Could you tell us more about your new phase of work?

I CAN ONLY SAY THINGS WHICH YOU BECOME CAPABLE OF HEARING. It depends on you. If you have become a disciple, then I can say easily that I am a master; but if you are not a disciple, it will be just meaningless saying to you that I am a Master. If somebody comes who is just curious about me, I will not say this to him; it will be pointless. He will not understand; rather, he will misunderstand.

WHEN YOU ARE READY TO RECEIVE, ONLY THEN I CAN GIVE. And now that you are ready, I can say many things which cannot be said to casual visitors. They are curious; their curiosity is shallow, they have not come to receive something. Their mind functions in a childish way: they just want to know everything, and they are not going to penetrate deeper in it.

NOW I CAN SAY MANY THINGS TO YOU, because I know that you will not misunderstand. Even if you don't understand, this much is certain: you will not misunderstand. AND THIS WILL BE A NEW PHASE, IT HAS ALREADY STARTED. Because I will be working only with those who are sober, not fooling around. I will be working only with those who have really come to a point where they need transformation -- who are really sincere, authentic seekers and are ready to do whatsoever I say. To them I can say, "I am enlightened." To them I can say, "I am a Master." To them I can say, "Come to me and drink out of me, and you will not be thirsty, ever."

But this cannot be said to everybody; this cannot be said to somebody who is just passing, who you meet on the street. THE MORE YOU GET READY, THE MORE I CAN POUR MYSELF INTO YOU. Before, your pots were there, but upside down. Even if I had poured, it would have become a wastage. Now many of you are in a situation that now your pots are not upside down, now they are right side up. Now I can pour. NOW I CAN TRUST THAT YOU WILL TAKE IT AS A TREASURE, that you will hide it, that you will share it only with those who are sincere, who are in search.

MANY MORE SECRETS WILL BE FOLLOWING, but they will follow only as you become more capable of receiving.

The phase, a new phase, has started. I WILL NOT BE WORKING WITH THE MASSES NOW. And I will be dropping all those who are just hanging around for other reasons -- not for their spiritual growth. There are many types of people, and even they are not aware why they are hanging around -- but I know. I will be dropping them.

Fewer and fewer will be accepted now. If I drop you, you will not be able to know that I dropped you -- because YOU WILL GO ON THINKING THAT YOU DROPPED ME. That's how the ignorant mind always consoles itself.


AND AS YOU GET READY MANY MORE SECRETS CAN BE GIVEN TO YOU, and I can talk easily. And I can be true, I need not say a lie to you. I will not say what you want to hear, now I will say what is really to be said to you.

And don't wait for the future, because no one knows about the future. THIS VERY MOMENT, OPEN YOURSELF AS MUCH AS YOU CAN SO YOU CAN RECEIVE ME.... RIGHT THIS MOMENT I AM HERE, AVAILABLE. Don't wait for the future -- because nobody knows... Open your heart, become more receptive, get attuned. Everything is possible. At this very moment, I can give you the key.

A NEW PHASE HAS STARTED. Now get ready for it. Because it is not a question concerning me, it is a question concerning you. HOW MUCH YOU CAN GET, YOU WILL GET; YOUR CAPACITY WILL BE THE LIMIT. If you open totally, there is no limit. The whole ocean is ready to fall in the drop. But the drop is afraid -- it is trying to protect itself.

Kabir -- one of the greatest mystics ever born -- has said two things. He has said, "In the beginning, when I was in search of God, I was thinking my drop of water will drop into the ocean of the divine. But when it really happened, it happened quite otherwise: THE OCEAN DROPPED INTO MY SMALL DROP."

It always happens otherwise. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO MEET GOD, GOD IS GOING TO MEET YOU. How you can seek him? You don't know the whereabouts, you don't know the address. He is in search of you constantly. Whenever you are ready, the ocean drops in you.

MEDITATION WILL MAKE YOU READY, COMPASSION WILL MAKE YOU PERFECT. So carry these two mantras: pragya, meditation; karuna, compassion -- let these two be the goals. Let your whole life revolve around them. VERY SOON YOU WILL BE ATTUNED. Then I can pour myself into you.

A Bird on the Wing
Ch #11: Sober Up
am in Buddha Hall



Posted by: "Subhuti" subhuti@comcast.net   subhutiii

Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:15 am (PDT)

----- Original Message -----
From: subhutiii
To: RiverIIOsho@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 4:40 AM

AS YOU ENTER INTO THE INNER WORLD, greater treasures are revealed. And there is every possibility you may stop somewhere and you may think that this is the end. THE DANGER BECOMES MORE AND MORE AS YOU GO DEEPER -- because greater richnesses, greater wealth, greater kingdoms become yours. And you have lived in such poverty that anything can enchant you.

There is a beautiful parable:
A MYSTIC USED TO LIVE UNDER A TREE, and for years he saw a woodcutter coming every day -- an old man. The whole day he will cut wood and sell the wood, and then too it was difficult to feed himself, his wife and children.

One day the mystic asked the woodcutter, "Will you listen to me?"

THE WOODCUTTER USED TO RESPECT THE MYSTIC. In the early morning when he will come he would bow down to the mystic, and in the evening when he will take the wood back home, he will again bow down to the mystic.

The mystic said, "Listen, don't waste your life cutting wood. JUST GO A LITTLE AHEAD AND YOU WILL FIND A COPPER MINE -- and that will be enough. You do one day's work and for seven days it will be enough to keep your family perfectly comfortable, and there will be no need for you to work every day."

The man did not believe -- WHAT THIS MYSTIC CAN KNOW ABOUT COPPER MINES? He had never seen him leave his tree. "Under the tree, he is always sitting there with closed eyes -- what can he know?" But then he thought, "What I am going to lose? Let me give it a try."

SO HE WENT AHEAD AND FOUND A COPPER MINE. And he was immensely pleased. Now he used to work only one day and for the rest of the week there was no need to work. It was enough to feed his family -- not only to feed, but even to invite guests, friends. And all were surprised that he has become suddenly rich.

One day the mystic said, "You are such a fool! JUST GO A LITTLE AHEAD AND YOU WILL FIND A SILVER MINE -- and one day's work, and for six months you need not work at all."

THE WOODCUTTER WAS PERFECTLY HAPPY WITH THE COPPER MINE, and he did not believe this mystic -- again! But he said, "The first time he turned out to be right. Who knows? Let me give a try!"

AND HE FOUND THE SILVER MINE, and he was immensely happy. And one day he will come and for six months he will disappear. And he lived in luxury for those six months.

One day he was coming, and the mystic said, "But you are just a fool! YOU JUST GO AHEAD A LITTLE BIT MORE, AND YOU WILL FIND A GOLD MINE!"

Now this was too much! The woodcutter could not believe that this can be his fate -- impossible! But again he was seduced by the idea -- HE WENT AND FOUND THE GOLD MINE!

NOW HE BECAME SO RICH THAT FOR YEARS HE WILL NOT COME. And even if he comes, he won't bother even to bow down to the mystic -- "Who cares about this fool? He just goes on sitting under the tree, and he knows where the gold mine is. Still he has not bothered..."

One day the mystic called him and he said, "You don't come to see me any more, you don't bow down to me... but still I am now getting old, and I cannot wait any more. JUST A LITTLE AHEAD, THERE IS A DIAMOND MINE. Why you are wasting your time with gold? You can find diamonds!"

And the man found the diamonds. NOW FOR YEARS HE WILL NOT COME. And one day the mystic sent a message that, "Come quickly -- because I am on my deathbed, and I have to reveal to you the last secret."

The man could not believe -- WHAT CAN BE MORE THAN DIAMONDS? That is the end! There cannot be anything more! But he came. He asked, "What is the matter? Now you are again trying to tell me to go ahead?"

He said, "Yes, because this mine will be exhausted soon. BUT IF YOU GO A LITTLE BIT AHEAD, YOU WILL FIND A TREASURE WHICH IS INEXHAUSTIBLE."

The woodcutter said, "I don't believe you any more. AND I AM PERFECTLY HAPPY -- WHY SHOULD I GO? And if you know that there is some inexhaustible treasure, why you go on sitting under this tree?"

The mystic said, "THAT INEXHAUSTIBLE TREASURE IS WITHIN ME, and that's why I have called you, to tell you to just go a little ahead. IF YOU GO A LITTLE AHEAD, YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF. And that's the real treasure."

But it was too much for the poor woodcutter even to understand. He laughed at the whole idea and he said, "You must have gone crazy! I am perfectly happy." THE MYSTIC DIED.

After many years the woodcutter thought -- his death was also coming closer -- "Maybe he was right, I should go a little further." HE WENT A LITTLE FURTHER, and he found such a beautiful forest that he wanted to sit under a tree. And it was so silent that he wanted to close his eyes. And it was so tremendously peaceful that he started sinking within himself... AND HE FOUND THE TREASURE THE MYSTIC WAS TALKING ABOUT. But it was found within himself....

UNLESS YOU FIND YOUR ULTIMATE BEING, you have not found anything, remember.

I Am That
Ch #13: Prayer simply happens
am in Buddha Hall


The Bond

Posted by: "Kay Needham" familyconstellationinfo@yahoo.com   sadhana_needham

Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:15 am (PDT)


A bond binds together - for instance, the bond of life between man and woman.  And in various ways we also feel connected to others, for instance, to our parents and our family.  In some cases, we form an association with others for a common task.

     Sometimes we also form an alliance against others.  The alliance against others ends when we make peace with them, when we join a peace alliance with them:  then people who were against each other are now for each other.

     The question is: Are we also in connection with ourselves?  Are we in connection with our body?  Are we in connection with our parents?  Are we in connection with our fate?  And ,most of all are we in connection with those whom we or our family want to forget, or have on some level already forgotten?  Are we in connection with those who were concealed by our family or by us?  Are we still in connection with those to whom we owe a debt, for example, previous partners or teachers or people who were there to help us when we were in need or were ill?

     When we face up to these issues, we can feel how much we are missing, how much we are missing them, how much they are perhaps missing us, because we are no longer connecting with them, no longer in connection with love, with gratitude, with grief and regret.  Suddenly, we feel how lonely we are without them.

     What can we do to renew the connection, at least in our thoughts and in our heart?  We open our hearts for them, with love. 
     Sometimes this is hard for us, especially when we feel guilty or indebted to them.  How can we succeed in restoring the connection with them?

     We acknowledge that the people we dismissed or excluded continue to belong to us, and we to them.  Foremost, it is this acknowledgement that will restore the connection.  Through this acknowledgement, suddenly we know ourselves richer, rounder, and more whole.

Rising In Love - Bert Hellinger

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