Tears and Crying - the new politics
Today is Sunday the 14th.
I mean, I love writings and paper, or computers.
I feel all alone, in my have-been-born Coutry and I feel like a stranger, looking at presidents, senators, stupid people, good people, corrupt people, idiots, and basically big-belly-arrogant politicians doing stupid things, OR, receiveing merits and credits they really do not have.
I love the suggestion of Osho where meritocracy would be - or it will,be - the best possibility for the world at large.
Whomever have merit, has power. Whomever has no merit, do not receive power.
In the last time I voted to president (in 2nd turn), I had an intuition suggesting President Lula's indication. I had the feeling long before, that Jose Serra, the other option - you see, we have options...!...few options... - and I felt that he is strongly hating eyeballs, AND little in height, AND with a BIG HEAD.]
With these characteristics, I saw in the man, a dictator. I do not want it. I desire a group of experient elder people, people who has eyes to SEE, not to hate.
Emotional people, who have eyes to cry, is not the good possibility also.
In nowadays brazilian politics, a lot of politicians are just crying.
I do not see any merit on that, except in the case that it reveals a nice individuality, which is not hard, and it is telling himself or herself, "it is good to cry"!!!
But not when you feel guilty because you were caught with the hands in the dirt or , say, red-handed people. Then you are just simply retarded, that's all.
Anand T.
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